We Lost Quite a Few Pounds, Then Donated Them

Aug 18, 2021 | Social Responsibility

The effort of ninety-two energizers was transformed into support to various institutions.

In April, the “Dona tus Kilos” (Donate Your Pounds) activity was concluded. Ninety-two Viakable energizers committed to losing weight during this activity to improve their health and quality of life , but also donating Qualtia products to various organizations in Nuevo León, Durango, and San Luis Potosí.

The activity was held in our different business units nationwide: Multipak participants collected 110 lbs.; the San Luis Potosí Viakable plant, 90 lbs.; in Nuevo León, 265 lbs. were collected.

The following institutions were benefited:

  • Casa Hogar de la Niña (Durango)
  • DIF Estatal de Durango
  • Municipio de San Nicolás (Nuevo León)
  • DIF Capullos Nuevo León
  • Cáritas San Luis Potosí, Comedor de la Esperanza

Once again, we prove our commitment to energizing life through the initiatives we conduct, certain that we can continue to transform people’s lives.

With information from:
Karina Gómez